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Product Information Management (PIM) Services

Manage product information of any complexity


How we help you

Our Services

Customer Benefits

Product Information Management (PIM) systems help companies to centralize, manage, and distribute product information efficiently. A PIM system is especially beneficial for any business with extensive product lines, multiple sales channels, and the need for consistent, accurate product data. If you are seeking reliable PIM software that streamlines your data processes, enhances collaboration, and drives your business growth, Minds Task can help you. We provide end-to-end PIM services and solutions to simplify your product information management (PIM) implementation journey.

Key product information management challenges:

  • Data silos: Scattered data constitute a significant challenge in product information management. When data is stored in multiple, disconnected systems, it becomes difficult to access and use it.
  • Inaccurate and inconsistent data: Another challenge is inaccurate and inconsistent data. This can lead to customer dissatisfaction, compliance issues, and lost sales.
  • Manual processes: Many companies still rely on manual processes for product information management. This can be time-consuming, error-prone, and expensive.
  • Lack of collaboration: Due to disconnected data, collaboration between departments can also be challenging. This can lead to data duplication, errors, and delays in product launches.
  • Compliance requirements: Companies in regulated industries must comply with various regulations, such as those related to product safety and labeling. This can add complexity and cost to product information management.

PIM Problems We Solve for You

Centralized Product Data Repository

Consolidate and organize your product information in a single location, eliminating data silos and ensuring data integrity.

Product Data modeling

Provide you the ability to effectively and flexibly support your organization’s end-user product data model requirements.

Product Data Quality Management

Identify and rectify data inconsistencies, errors, and redundancies to maintain high-quality and trusted product information.

Product Data Enrichment

Leverage advanced tools and techniques to enrich your product data with attributes, classifications, and relevant metadata for ensuring accuracy and consistency.

Workflow Automation

Streamline your data processes with automated workflows, reducing manual effort and enhancing operational excellence.

Product Data governance

Easily manage data governance as per your business needs, ensuring product data is secure and compliant with regulations.


Multichannel Publishing

Seamlessly distribute product information across various channels including e-commerce, print, PDS, in-store systems, product configurators, etc.

Product Data Translation

Allow you to translate product data into multiple languages. This helps reach a wider audience and improve customer satisfaction.

Product data syndication

Automatically syndicate product data to diverse partners in the supply chain such as retailers and distributors, as well as marketplaces, DTC and social media.


PIM Services

Minds Task Technologies offers robust PIM solutions to help you solve your most complex challenges. Our certified and experienced PIM experts empower you to handle any product information efficiently, unlocking new opportunities for success. We offer end-to-end PIM services, including:

Our PIM Services


Our PIM consultants help you assess your current PIM needs and develop a suitable plan to solve your product information management challenges. We can also help you choose the right PIM software based on the required features, scalability, budget, and integration capabilities.


Successfully implement a PIM system and unlock the power of accurate, consistent product information for your business. Our experts leverage industry best practices to configure the PIM system as per workflows, user roles, data attributes, and integration points.


We customize your PIM software to meet your specific requirements including automated workflows for data enrichment, product data syndication, and publishing to various channels. We can also help you build custom modules and plugins that are not available ready-to-use.


We integrate your PIM software with other systems in your organization, such as your e-commerce platform, market places, CRM system and other systems. We also help you automate tasks like data updates and content syndication where possible.

Data Migration

Assist you in migrating product data from legacy systems or disparate sources into the new PIM solution. We cleanse, standardize, and migrate your existing product data into the PIM system. We ensure seamless PIM and eCommece data migration to ensure compatibility.


We provide ongoing maintenance and support for your PIM software. This includes keeping your software updated with the latest security patches and features. We regularly assess data quality, perform system updates, and adapt your processes as needed.

AI for PIM

AI has become a game-changer in Product Information Management (PIM) software, offering a range of benefits that can significantly improve efficiency, accuracy, and customer experience.

Autogeneration of Product Description

AI-powered product description generators streamline your workflow by creating ready-to-edit content that utilizes your business tone of voice and incorporates key product keywords. 


AI Translations

Generative AI provides support to automatically translate content into multiple languages. AI translation can be customized for specific industries or content types (e.g., legal documents, medical reports, marketing materials).

Attribute Recommendations

AI excels at identifying patterns in data. This allows it to analyze existing attributes within a dataset and recommend what might be missing ( such as color, size, or material )  based on those patterns.

Benefits to Your Business

PIM Services

  • Improved accuracy

    Ensure that product information is accurate and consistent across all channels, improving customer satisfaction and reducing the risk of errors and compliance issues.


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    Automated tasks

    Minimize many manual tasks involved in product information management, such as data entry, validation, and translation. This can free up employees to focus on more strategic tasks, such as marketing and sales.

  • Improved collaboration

    Provide a central repository for all product information, which can help to improve collaboration between different departments, such as marketing, sales, and product development.


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    Enhanced customer experience

    Enhance the customer experience by providing accurate and consistent product information, regardless of where they interact with your brand.

  • Reduced costs

    Lower operational costs by automating tasks, improving collaboration, and enhancing the customer experience.



Additional Product Information Management Resources 

Learn more about PIM and how to apply it in your organization with these resources.

Related Case Studies

FAQ on PIM Services

Product Information Management (PIM) is a system that helps businesses centrally manage and organize their product information. It ensures accurate and consistent product data across various channels, such as websites, catalogs, and marketplaces.

A PIM system streamlines product information management, enabling businesses to handle large volumes of data efficiently, enhance data quality, and improve the overall customer experience. It allows for easy product updates, facilitates multichannel selling, and supports faster time-to-market.

A PIM system typically offers features such as centralized product data storage, data enrichment and standardization, automated data imports and exports, digital asset management, workflow management, collaboration tools, and integration capabilities with other business systems.

The first step is to choose a PIM system that meets your needs. Once you have selected a PIM system, you will need to install it and configure it. You will also need to import your product data into the PIM system.

Yes, many PIM systems offer customization options to meet specific business requirements. Businesses can customize data models, workflows, user interfaces, and integration points depending on the chosen platform. This flexibility ensures that the PIM system aligns with the unique needs and processes of the organization.

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